Eye Patient Information

Your questions answered

A new patient private consultation with Mr Diamond normally lasts for half an hour.  This should allow plenty of time to take a full history, examine your eyes and propose treatment options.  There should be ample time to fully discuss your diagnosis, options for treatment and their implication.

Tennis Eyes
Silver Surfer

How to prepare for your eye consultation

  • Please be prepared to have dilating drops administered so Mr Diamond can examine the back of your eyes.
  • If possible, you should avoid driving to your appointment.

Consultation & Treatment Locations

The Belmont Clinic, Patchway, Bristol

Mr Diamond consults from The Belmont Clinic on the southbound A38 in Patchway, Bristol.  The consulting rooms have recently been refurbished and are equipped with the most advanced eye care equipment.

Spire Hospital, Bristol

Mr Diamond consults and operates at the Bristol Spire Hospital.

Litfield House Medical Centre

Mr Diamond also operates from the surgical suite at Litfield House Medical Centre in Clifton, Bristol.



Eye Surgery Consulting

To book a consultation with Mr Diamond you can call or email his PA on:

Telephone: 0117 906 4205

Email: Secretary@diamond-garrott.co.uk

Mr Jeremy Diamond

Eye Surgeon Bristol